Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Empty Fill
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A New Defiance Part 1: A Defiant Beginning

Edited by Michael Mercado
It was lush; where the forest and the waters ran into infinity. The winds hummed through the wheat grass and the tall conifers sung their most secret of songs. The temperature always felt perfect and the salted earth always felt sound and solid. Harmony, so it’s been called. The flora and fauna harmonized with the changing seasons and the circle of life was in balance. Every living life force connected in some spiritual way. The sky would change color based on the temperament and emotion of the living creatures. We embraced and celebrated the perfect unions that involved the weather and growth of our Eden. Change was something that had never crossed our minds, as the the days came and went exactly as planned. We became accustomed to the normalcy which was our life without complication; when we were hungry we ate, when tired we slept. We would hunt and gather and prune the most fruitful of trees. It was a very predictable and content society, and everything was as it should be...or so we thought.
Yet for all of the perfection and contentment our world had, the center of our Eden held a secret place. A forbidden place. We would occasionally walk too close to the barriers and be reminded from the other Fallen, or ‘Guardians’ not to enter. Although they had no forceful ambitions they could not utilize nor enforce the law, because as humans we had something they did not. Free will. We never tempted them or spoke harshly and had a mutual respect for them. They were quite beautiful, as you would say in your tongue. They were imperfect perfections. When asked why we must avoid this area, they would recall the story:
At the center of this knowledge was a scorned Guardian called Lucifer, who fought with the one named as the Creator. Their argument was riddled in passion and anger for one another, with the Guardian begrudgingly adhering the the laws of the Creator without fail, but not always in agreement. This dispute lasted eons until the final clash ended with the Guardian falling from the Heavens onto Earth. To better survive this new land the he discovered that although he held not omniscience or free will, he had discovered and honed his power to mimic the likeness of any creature he saw. His story is one of the first regretful fallen victim. That he did not accept his fate and would often try to do things that would gain favor with his prior life as the Creator’s assistant. To this day he is re-missed and uncompromising to the events that would lead up to our current being. He was but a pawn in life's game of chess and his rage is expected.
My story begins here with the birth of one of the most beautiful creatures ever created; Eve. A mixture of unmitigated sass and organized chaos, she was the original muse and the reason change had to happen. Her faint scent could be felt in the deepest of infatuations and in the most cherished of love affairs. Eve’s essence radiated in the hearts of those true in the ways love. She is the mother of every hopeless romantic. She was the life force of change, the Venus of our time and the fuel that set the heart aflame. This was our Eve. Created from the Earth and our blood, with ethereal beauty as well as an inquisitive mind, she encompassed the best of both worlds. You see, the common misconception is that she was created the same as Adam when in truth she was not. She had the Earth and its ever changing conditions built with the blood of the truest and most loved of species. In her own right, she was stronger and more adaptable.
To Eve, life was too simple. In the beginning she was content but after decades of nothingness and years of questioning, she found herself yearning for more. For that spark or for that new love affair with something. ‘Rebellious’, your kind would say. ‘Defiant!’. To her this was life. Often Eve would sit next to the bubbling brook in the meadows and put flowers in her long auburn hair and feel the cool water with her hand and wonder. ‘Why live content’, she would muse, ‘when you can be happy?’ Adam would always watch Eve while she lay next to the brook for hours until she grew bored and wandered away. He would try to understand her desires, her wants, her needs for more knowledge, but he would always get frustrated and think about something else.
Eve was woman, and woman was new to this engagement, this covenant. What was she trying to expel? What was she looking for? Why create something that cannot taste satisfaction? Ever changing as she was, unpredictable she became. She would be gone for long periods of time, and suddenly show up and want everything to be as it once was, but what once was...was what? Routine was fast something she could not comprehend. For long periods of time she would try, to little effect, to change the color of the sky, the temperature of the water, the height of the trees. She was, to some, peculiar. But there would be one that would fancy her. One that would understand her. Her need to advance in the circle of life. Her cravings were not worldly, they were, in her mind, just. To Eve, living one’s life in the same way forever was not happiness, it was a death sentence. To be with one person, to only know one man’s touch was not a fairy tale, but a nightmare.
Where was the rest of her species -surely there should be more than just the two of them- and how come she was so unfazed by eternal life in a garden of complete solitude? Her want would anger the Creator, forcing him to question why it was that Eve's unsteady heartbeat did not beat in the harmony of her surroundings. As her mind strengthened and she decided to tempt fate and break through the barriers of the forbidden place, the Guardians could do nothing but watch with curiosity. As she approached the forbidden place, whispers could be heard of the other Fallen who had abandoned their post.
Eve was unchanged when she came upon them. She was not startled, scared, or complacent. ‘I am Eve, and the Mother of all things new and inspired’, she would remind herself. And she was right, for the Fallen would beckon to her charm, and warm to her beauty. Her ability to enchant those around there led them to crown her as their muse; from this, what your kind know now as Music was created. This Music was made to celebrate her allure, her countless perfections, her balanced body and lips that tasted of rain off freshly-picked junipers. She stayed in the forbidden land for a long period of time and was in no rush to leave, for their stories told of a different tale of creation; of a dark time where control and hard labor was their off days while their work days were painful and scarring. The immense and labor-intensive acts of moving planets, suns and destroy and rebuild was expected and done without question. Floods, fire, death and harsh wastelands full of primitive less-powerful Gods that did not have the armies of the one Creator were conquered, dismantled, and killed. At this point in the Fallen’s story, Lucifer made his presence known and he greeted her with delight wrapped in curtness.
She asked of him to indulge, to tell her his story. “What happened? Tell me the reason for all this.” One of the Fallen, Beelzebub, stood and glared at her as if she said something off color. He naturally held a striking pose, armed with his well-used and worn spear, he looked at Lucifer for the command he had heard many times before. Lucifer looked upon this new creature with curiosity and remarked to Beezlebub to stay at ease. “She inquires, dearest Beezlebub, let me recount our story. One of love, glory and loss”. There was a sense of innocence in his eyes. He was well toned and beautiful he was scarred from head to toe. His hair was dark and wild, his eyes both daunting and sad. His perfect bone structure led to his perfect voice pitch. Lucifer was a musician and muse. He was the favored one, the first angel, the Creators first love. Lucifer got comfortable, and as night fell and the air became cooler he started a fire. “Look, child.” he said, pointing to the fire and as she watched the flames dance, she noticed that the embers created out of thin air a flashback.
It all started peaceful, and then there was light. I was alive. We were borne from stars; our ancestors from a time before time. With guidance from the Creator, we created new stars from our bloodlines. We created solar systems. Planets were named after their creators, and each was assigned an a ideology and a life force. For a time is was harmonious, it was what life was scripted to be. We drifted, we let life play out according to their standards. We gave them powers, as well as to create new ones...
Eve interrupted, "Powers, what kind of powers?" “The power to create life, Eve.” “Create Life? You speak of becoming a God?” “Yes, Eve. A God in their own right. Shall I continue?” Eve nodded, eyes wide with amazement. Lucifer’s hands moved swiftly, his eyes sharpened and grew bigger and smaller based on the stories he told. The room was elated, for they had not seen such life from him in a long, long time.
The stories of the planets grew, and life flourished. Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury. It was grand, all of us in this room creating the most beautiful beings and humanoids. There was never violence or death. There was only acceptance and peaceful cultures. They built, fished, hunted and became truly Enlightened beings. The sun was our main life force and everything was governed by its likeness. It was a strategically placed and balanced life. I and the Creator...” "You mean Destroyer!" Azriel shouted from across the fire.
The crowd turned to meet his angered gaze. Azriel's eyes burned with fury and tears of blood ran down his cheeks. There was an overwhelming sense of loss amongst the group. It was as if the air had been sucked out of them. As if their hope diminished.
The silence of the next thirty seconds was suffocating. The blaze of the fire crackled, and Azriel looked out at the crowd. "Why repeat these stories of defeat and darkness? Must we relive our sad fate over and over? We carry this burden and our failed attempts of saving our creations has been fruitless. We were mauled- crucified!- and their lives and souls depended on us to protect them and WE FAILED! Their stories weren't written, their lives are but distant, faded memories and we, we banished, will never be what we once were. We have unique talents, yes, and we have each other, but tell me brothers, do you not look upon me as a failed God, as a Fallen Guardian? What once held truth is now riddled in lies. We used to be favored and have a voice that was heard and that voice had meaning. Look at us now. What are we to become? They took my life!” Then silence. Azriel, visibly spent, retreated to his seat amongst the Fallen. "Enough tonight. Eve, walk with me," Lucifer said gently.
Lucifer extended his hand and reached out for Eve's. She grabbed hold and was lifted gracefully to her feet. They walked into the darkness together, their silhouettes captured by the roar of the now-dying fire. As they walked their forms faded till nothing remained but the tips of the wafting flames. The Fallen that stood around the fire left one by one. Azriel was the last to leave. He glared at the fire and heard the cries of agony that played like background music in his head. He stood up, and in disgust his large framed body kicked the earth and all at once, a wave of turf came over the fire and smothered it at once. Then there was silence. Nothing could be seen, but the subtle sound of feet shuffling about could be heard and the whispers began again.
Eve and Lucifer walked through a pasture land where they were greeted by massive Clydesdale horses. One called Aramis slowly moved to Lucifer’s open hand to receive hay that appeared in his hand. Eve looked at Lucifer as a new confidant, a new device to release her urges and fits of discomfort. He sensed this, smiled gravely behind his eyes and offered the bait. "And what is your story, Eve? What made you breech the rules to discover these forbidden quarters of Eden?" Lucifer asked. Watching Aramis munching on the meal, she became pensive. “It seems too perfect, this garden,” she decided. “Where one can do no wrong,” she stated regretfully. And so it was that Lucifer the storyteller had now become the listener. Eve rambled about how she didn't feel at ease. That she didn't feel her life was deigned to remain a day walker and a night dreamer. Lucifer quietly listened and took notice when she told him there were parts of her that regret her life, and he saw there was a distinct mean streak in her veins. There was a sense of coldness and depth that she could feel in her soul. It was like the cry of a million souls were screaming though her. And he himself had felt that before...
Lucifer's demeanor changed, he walked a couple paces further into the pasture lands. The sun was setting, and the sky was a mixture of what he called periwinkle and rhodamine red. Eve followed, and with apprehension she inquired. "Did I say something to offend?" There was no immediate reply. He realized this was the moment he was waiting for, and what he was expected to do. After a long pause he walked back to Eve and stood to face her. He grabbed her arm gently and asked to draw blood. Without hesitation she nodded, tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Lucifer took in the sweet ambrosia of her skin and licked her neck. Deciding he could not resist such temptation he pierced her skin with his large canines and tasted the blood of woman. With a look of disbelief his eyes grew wide and he fell to his knees in agony, wiping the poison from his lips with his hand. ‘It's true...’ He muttered under his breath. Eve took notice of this and asked with a newfound caution, "What's true?" "Everything... everything is true." Eve fell to her knees to meet his eyes, and asked him to continue the story of creation. She demanded to know her place. ‘Yes, it’s time,’ he thought. Lucifer stood and beckoned her to climb atop of Aramis’ back and reached for Eve. Not knowing what lie ahead of her but not scared- after all, she was Eve- she was soon gripping his waist as he rode into the darkness. |
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A New Defiance Part II: A Defiant Sorrow

Edited By Michael Mercado
It was a different type of darkness that befell the horse and his 2 travelers that night. After an hour of trekking through the thick undergrowth and over small streams, Aramis came to a halt at the entrance of a recessed cavern well hidden along the side of a large mountain. The ride was exhausting for the massive Clydesdale, so Lucifer led him to a small pond near the mountain to refresh his stamina. He pruned him and rubbed behind his ears, talking to him in an unfamiliar language. "De le-ek mae, A-ae-Mis, De le-ek mae." Lucifer paused, continuing to soothe the horse. "Shuzn nae mae, ma ek-meddie." Eve overheard this delightful sound from the mouth of Lucifer and asked him what he was saying, and what it meant. Lucifer looked up to her and smiled. "Eve, I never grow tired of your questions. Your persistence and passion will lead you to great things one day." He explained that the ancient tongue spoken was a communicative form of language understood by all living creatures. As animals didn't comprehend the idea of free will, they did what was required of them. At Lucifer's command none of the other brethren within the Fallen were ever rash or belligerent towards the animals of Eden when they 'asked' for assistance in carrying crops or transporting supplies.
Lucifer was still in a state of great disorder after tasting the metallic wine of Eve. Eve wandered over to sit next to the frustrated being that she was so mesmerized by. Lucifer's back revealed large muscle definition that resembled an aerial view of a mountainous region. Atop his lats sat bulging, broken pieces of bone and worn callused skin. Eve felt her back, and tried to stare at her reflection in the lake, twisting to no avail. Her back was smooth, defined and perfect. Lucifer noticed her puzzled inquiry of her body and said to her, "They are not there Eve. You never had the annex of flight. You were made to be kept grounded." "Flight?" Eve said. "Like birds?" "Yes, Eve, like the birds that soar upon the air." She guessed that wings must be necessary to dance on the wind, and as he no longer had wings, she asked if it hurt to not be able to fly anymore. Lucifer stared down at the crackling fire that he had readily created. "Not as much as the pain of loss and sorrow that consumed me as they were torn from my back." Eve was once again silent, as she quickly learned in the time that they had spent together that some things were better left not discussed.
No longer than a few moments after the moon had fully inhabited the skies and the Earth became rich with shadow a quiet sound was heard behind them and Beelzebub made his presence known. The reflection of the lunar spectacle of the moon mixed with the darkness blue-lit them all, as if they were frozen statues. Beelzebub leaned in on Lucifer and whispered silently in the ancient tongue, "Die-ek mi-ba, de-lon, zae-jez-rak, des sae tu im-bie-form... des Habri-al." Lucifer looked straight ahead at Eve, and spoke at the fire he was preparing in the cavern. "It seems your Adam has been searching all over Eden for you and an assemblage from the stars has descended to Earth in search of your wanderings. This aggregation is led by no other than the Messenger himself; Gabriel." Eve thought of how to reply, and with a stoic look answered, "I wish not to be found. I realize now that there is more to this land than I knew of, and I seek knowledge from those willing to teach me. Now enough chatter. Tell the tale before I grow bored and wander to another distant land."
Turning his attention back to the story that Eve desperately wanted to hear, Lucifer sat on a moss-covered stone near the fire. He threw the aged bark that was kept in a blue drawstring pouch woven from the silkworms of Saturn and leaned back. The fire's flames advanced upward higher and higher until the three were bathed with its warmth. It was only seconds later that the flashback continued:
Minerva was tall, elegant and mysterious. Her long engaging neckline gave way to her perfectly curved body. Her waist-length hair was woven from the darkness of night and her almond-shaped eyes were of the deepest pools of purple with flecks of gold. She radiated energy, and her ability to influence others in her world was commanding. She was in essence an early draft of the very Eve who sits on that twisted, gnarled remnant stump, listening to this tale...
A queen to be, yet beside her, no king? I made my presence known to her at the Arch of Hassan, a powerful yet secluded place near the Ridge of Sharrkan. These places may sound foreign to thee, but I knew them quite well. They were my idle resting places - where Minerva would go frequently to inquire about happenings in the universe. Her questions to me were ones on order and keeping the peace, which came natural to my Saturians. I felt that perhaps she was so inquisitive with me because she wanted my intellect and leadership experience, but I was wrong. She was deeper into me and I her. Our first encounter came unexpected, we were always discussing preservation of life and cultivations of the land, this time the long eyed stares seemed connected to some physical and mental chemistry. I myself was new to this experience, I have been raised in the art of creation and war if need be. These unfamiliar feelings were far from logic. Can a Guardian of the heavens feel this emotion? I constantly pondered the ways and hows of how to get back on track but to no avail.
I fell into Minerva like a stone to the bottom of the lake. Our love grew. Every day was a new encounter and adventure. We talked for hours and stared at each other for long periods of time. I felt that everything I had known prior than knowing of her was routine and mundane. I wanted her and only her. I could not drink my fill of her. I was happy, truly happy. All life was fulfilled for me, I wanted nothing more to do with creation and servitude. I wanted to fall asleep to her and wake to her stillness. I was missing, my mind, body and soul transformed. My annex of flight softened and my flesh tones exhumed warm colors. I was no longer hardened or orderly I let myself live for the moment until that moment was... was.
Lucifer paused and stared into the nothingness for a long moment, his facial features tensed and the whites of his eyes burned like fire until the tears welded up and broke like a dam collapsing because of too much pressure. The fury that resided in himself was to be of the unspeakable kind, an evil kind. He stood and without acknowledgment walked with purpose in his step, and in to the darkness he faded. Eve stood and began to follow but Bub grabbed her forearm and pleaded. "Eve, I wouldn't. Do not let him ingeminate bitter feelings from our past." She turned to look at Beelzebub, who was staring at her in an approachable stance. She spoke softly. "What is it that I must know?" "I am so confused with these re-enactments on a time before me." His callused hand fell upon her shoulder, warm and innocent. Beelzebub never knew the touch of a woman and being an angel he was ignorant to the ways of love-making, but he knew loss like no other. He spoke quietly to her in a deep rich-accent bass. "Eve, the past shapes us, defines us and puts the future into perspective. Sometimes life is a mixture of chaos and calm waters. Other times it's a mixture of loss and sorrow. For Lucifer sorrow was hell. It burns with in him. He could not save them, Eve. His strength was usurped in the creation and subsequent passion for Minerva."
Eve fell to the floor in anguish, and the puzzled, exhausted look on her face gave way to her looking up at Bub and asking, "What sorrow do you speak of? What happened to Minerva?" Beelzebub was unsure what to do. He knew it was not his place to speak of such troubles, especially to her. Although his allegiance was exclusive to Lucifer and the Brethren, the look on Eve's face softened the large warrior. Beelzebub chose to extinguish the fire with dirt. "I will continue with the tale to take the burden of pain away from my lord." Beelzebub sat and told the rest. Eve sat, mesmerized in anticipation of sorrow and loss, to words that held very foreign ideas to her. Lucifer just sat entranced in the dying embers of the fire.
"In a pleading moment, a stillness exhumed on the planet Saturn, the quietness was disconcerting and cold. Lucifer was awoken by the Archangel Michael. With his ever-present shield and sword, Michael led the massive armies of angels and had no capacity to speak ill-will or complementary about anyone. He was emotionless and lived to serve the master's bidding. He was twice the size of Lucifer, especially now with Lucifer new found love for life and not armour. Michael spoke cold and direct, his voice echoed in a low rumbled death-rattling tone. "Ee-ak- ume, Lu-csea-fur, Pas-cide com-Ee-ak-lade, El-sha-Dai, me-us, con-bek, Eek-mano." Lucifer was to his feet and bowed to Michael, and instantly suited up and made his flight to speak with the Creator.
When he arrived at the most high place the settings were familiar, yet the feelings were forlorn. He stood in the palace of solitude and watched below the creations that had enchanted the audiences that stood above the solar systems. He focused on his beloved, pondering what he would be doing right now if his presence weren't demanded here. The purplish-golden hued planet looked colossal and dominating from an aerial view. Michael's eyes were on Lucifer the entire time as they waited for the Creator to make its presence known. Lucifer would occasionally glance his way, but Michael did nothing. The winds changed direction and the Creator came to stand directly in front of them.
The Creator could take any likeness it wanted. A small angelic boy with curly blond hair, the greenest of eyes and a rich purple velvet robe with a hood that trailed behind him approached Lucifer, grabbed him by the hand and said, "Sez-Leh hom- Luce." (It means 'walk with me', Luce). The child led Lucifer into a clearing. The sky was a mixure of colors. The little one spoke in a soft voice. "I appear to you today as a Saturian child, a child who has been abandoned. Where has my love gone? Where has my pupil entertained his thoughts and focus these many days? The concept of time is one I do not care to understand, but 'time' and 'time spent' hold very different meanings." The Creator-child brought his hands together as if in reverence for a moment. Looking down, his fingers were clenched as he concentrated on them. Slowly parting them a miniature version of Saturn held fast, hovering and turning within his palms. Raising one eyebrow he looked up to Lucifer, who stood with silent apprehension. "Has your creation occupied you so much that you cannot indulge me any longer? Your servitude has fallen off; you are no longer hardened, your flesh is more reminiscent of your toys than the rest of us. Do you wish to leave? To become MORTAL?!" The sound of this last word erupted like massive thunderstorm over a calm lake . The winds quickly changed direction, bringing with it an intense rush of coldness over the clearing. Lucifer was caught off guard and was pushed to the limits of questioning. He knelt down on one foot, head bowed. With expected reverence he replied, "I wish to live the life I have created, my lord. I want to fall into Minerva and lead my people to great things and new achievements. All in your grace, my lord." The boy was silent, the eyes darkened to black, so black the pupils were not visible. It was contained rage, but this child's outward appearance did not match that of the fury behind his eyes.
The boy looked to Michael, and at once Michael was gone. The boy walked around the bowed Lucifer and as he cornered him, he transformed into a beast, one Lucifer was not familiar with. Now a blue-gray color, his eyes were of a wild cat, the muscle definition was refined and it's height now dwarfed that of Lucifer. Cat-like, evil and menacing he became. He began to shout with every fiber of this new body's being. "Lay with your creation? Live a life that YOU created, and not I!?! I who command the sun to bring forth nourishment and energy!?! I who tell the sun to change direction and the stars to remain FOREVER!?!" The Creator-creature crawled around a shaking Lucifer like an animal deciding what to do with its cornered prey.
The fury could no longer be contained and the masses of us Guardians overheard the pains of jealously and judgment. The two were at once surrounded by all of us and the curious others piled on top of each other to see the enraged Creator's power to strike. Lucifer moved one foot towards the creature."I will not fight you, my lord. I yield to your grace. All I want is this love that I have for Minerva. Love that is apparent in you for me. I can no longer serve thee, I wish to remain with her. I have done thy bidding for eons my lord. I humbly ask that I be set free of these tidings and these times." The Creator looked stoic on his haunches but felt defeated within. His love, his creation, was talking of moving on without him. The memories and the lessons of yesteryear welded up inside him. He remembered Lucifer as his child and as the first Guardian. The walks and talks they would have. How Lucifer's inquisitive mindset and limitless questions for the Creator never ceased. For the first time in his existence, he questioned himself. His tone was quiet."What happened to my allegiance? Why does thee not want to serve me any more? I given you too much freedom. Too much choice. Have I not given you everything? How was it not enough? Why these people and not me? Why HER?" The Creator lifted his paw to the area behind a dead rose bush where Michael stood with Minerva.
Lucifer stood with a new defiance as the Creator walked to his beloved Minerva. "I cannot fathom life without your servitude Lucifer. You are mine; you belong to no one but me. No one. I can only offer you the peace of mind to rid you of this creation...this abomination...that has come between us. I have but one love and that is you. Therefore she" He paused, sizing her down like he has found better prey in a corner. "She can not be. No more." The creature howled at the moon, and Minerva sensed what was to happen to her. With one shimmering hand clutched to her heart and her purple hued eyes fixated on Lucifer. She wanted to say so much, and as her perfect lips parted to plead with this creature for retribution, the slowing graceful movement of life fell out of Minerva and she hit the cracked ground. Her body lay limp and her eyes that once held so much life glazed over into a coldness and she was gone. Lucifer ran to her side and shook her with every ounce of his abilities to awaken her. "Minerva!" He shouted loudly so the Guardians that surrounded him felt his anger. "Wake up, my love!". He lay there just holding her, wanting to see her eyes once more to feel her breath on his neck. He recalled the initial contact they had first made, contemplated why he left her. Damn it, why he didn't see this happening? There was movement in her body and Lucifer thought, for just a moment, that the Creator provided her acquittal from death. Instead, her perfect body returned to cosmic solarium and the shell that held her soul faded and blew into dust.
Lucifer sat in a kneeling position holding the soft blue cotton woven dress she wore. His heart iced over and his tears ran with blood. The Creator was again the Saturian child and stood and watched as his once-beloved was holding the remembrances of his love. Growing tired of this game, the child turned around and skipped away, now bouncing the miniature Saturn in silence into the distance. He knew it was the only thing he ever asked for, the only thing he had ever wanted. We could only look at the downfall of one of our own, and to the onlookers it was such a somber act to watch. Azriel and myself knelt next to him, not knowing how to begin to comfort our defeated friend. Some Guardians looked at Lucifer and felt his loss, where others didnt understand the relationship to a toy. As angels we are connected, Eve. Although some angels took flight back home and to their responsibilities, hundreds upon hundreds of angels surrounded Lucifer to mourn with him until a full third of Heaven stood around the remains of his beloved Minerva. Nestled back in his palace, the Creator looked down at this display of sorrow, and thought that the full circle of amassed white wings surrounding poor defeated Lucifer and a silly blue dress vaguely resembled an eyeball. He bounced his ball in quiet thought.