Edited By Michael Mercado
It was a different type of darkness that befell the horse and his 2 travelers that night. After an hour of trekking through the thick undergrowth and over small streams, Aramis came to a halt at the entrance of a recessed cavern well hidden along the side of a large mountain. The ride was exhausting for the massive Clydesdale, so Lucifer led him to a small pond near the mountain to refresh his stamina. He pruned him and rubbed behind his ears, talking to him in an unfamiliar language. "De le-ek mae, A-ae-Mis, De le-ek mae." Lucifer paused, continuing to soothe the horse. "Shuzn nae mae, ma ek-meddie." Eve overheard this delightful sound from the mouth of Lucifer and asked him what he was saying, and what it meant. Lucifer looked up to her and smiled. "Eve, I never grow tired of your questions. Your persistence and passion will lead you to great things one day." He explained that the ancient tongue spoken was a communicative form of language understood by all living creatures. As animals didn't comprehend the idea of free will, they did what was required of them. At Lucifer's command none of the other brethren within the Fallen were ever rash or belligerent towards the animals of Eden when they 'asked' for assistance in carrying crops or transporting supplies.
Lucifer was still in a state of great disorder after tasting the metallic wine of Eve. Eve wandered over to sit next to the frustrated being that she was so mesmerized by. Lucifer's back revealed large muscle definition that resembled an aerial view of a mountainous region. Atop his lats sat bulging, broken pieces of bone and worn callused skin. Eve felt her back, and tried to stare at her reflection in the lake, twisting to no avail. Her back was smooth, defined and perfect. Lucifer noticed her puzzled inquiry of her body and said to her, "They are not there Eve. You never had the annex of flight. You were made to be kept grounded." "Flight?" Eve said. "Like birds?" "Yes, Eve, like the birds that soar upon the air." She guessed that wings must be necessary to dance on the wind, and as he no longer had wings, she asked if it hurt to not be able to fly anymore. Lucifer stared down at the crackling fire that he had readily created. "Not as much as the pain of loss and sorrow that consumed me as they were torn from my back." Eve was once again silent, as she quickly learned in the time that they had spent together that some things were better left not discussed.
No longer than a few moments after the moon had fully inhabited the skies and the Earth became rich with shadow a quiet sound was heard behind them and Beelzebub made his presence known. The reflection of the lunar spectacle of the moon mixed with the darkness blue-lit them all, as if they were frozen statues. Beelzebub leaned in on Lucifer and whispered silently in the ancient tongue, "Die-ek mi-ba, de-lon, zae-jez-rak, des sae tu im-bie-form... des Habri-al." Lucifer looked straight ahead at Eve, and spoke at the fire he was preparing in the cavern. "It seems your Adam has been searching all over Eden for you and an assemblage from the stars has descended to Earth in search of your wanderings. This aggregation is led by no other than the Messenger himself; Gabriel." Eve thought of how to reply, and with a stoic look answered, "I wish not to be found. I realize now that there is more to this land than I knew of, and I seek knowledge from those willing to teach me. Now enough chatter. Tell the tale before I grow bored and wander to another distant land."
Beelzebub turned to look at Eve. It was the first nonviolent interaction to occur between them. Beelzebub was a war lord and great officer to Lucifer, and his allegiance to Lucifer was connected in ways unfathomable to human thought. Similar in stature to Lucifer, he was wide and tall, but in addition to the severing of flight appendages, he had also lost sight in his left eye whilst blocking a massive light ray that was aimed toward Lucifer during the Great Fall. Beelzebub was the most concerned about the loss of eyesight, as the eyes of the Fallen also held the ability to speak wordlessly. Luckily he still possessed the power, and he would continue to have conversations with the other brethren through silent stares.
Turning his attention back to the story that Eve desperately wanted to hear, Lucifer sat on a moss-covered stone near the fire. He threw the aged bark that was kept in a blue drawstring pouch woven from the silkworms of Saturn and leaned back. The fire's flames advanced upward higher and higher until the three were bathed with its warmth. It was only seconds later that the flashback continued:
"Of all the angels held within the heavens, a collective of 'Creationists' was formed. Those in the collective gathered in a great circular hall adorned from floor to ceiling with the expansive galaxy of stars and moons. It was here they were presented with the task of preparing visual manifestations of their allegiance towards the Creator. Eight were hand-selected and became harbingers of the solar kind, united in celestial life forms. Each was assigned what would become a planet. Lucifer's was Saturn. With the approval of the Creator, they constructed beings that did wondrous things and loved them. These life forms worshipped and built temples in the angels' honor. They were mosaics of the heavenly bloodline and satisfaction. The Creationists played significant roles in the development of the planets and its inhabitants, and as instructed by the Creator, they personified their whims and ideas. The concepts of weather, atmosphere, sunlight, environment and spirit were ideas brought into each individual world. The sun was selected and situated so enough life could grow for vegetation and food source. At the will of Lucifer, Saturn was to be massive. Easily the largest of all planets in the solar system, it was beautiful. Its mild storms only complimented its night sky which maintained a skylight of 62 Moon's, Saturn's symbol was to represent the Creator's sickle. Lucifer was anything but modest when crafting such a masterpiece. He went about his days, moderating and perfecting his planet from every angle. He would pace the rich red-hued landscape and flew days at a time looking at it from different points in the sky. The initial concept of Saturn did not have rings or anything of distinction; it was purely meant as a gift from pupil to teacher. The Creator was pleased.
The collective were all content with the success of their creations. The angels celebrated with them, dined with them and did what could be done to sustain their new capacity of life. The Creator, too, shared in their triumphs for the time being. During the development of Saturn Lucifer had chosen distinct features that would be unique to the very being of his Saturian race. Perfectly placed amongst the burnt red-orange hillsides, purple mountain tops, lush tropic winds and flowering meadows held within Saturn's beauty stood Queen Minerva. The fondness that grew within Lucifer for Minerva was something that made the other angels weep and the Creator jealous. For who could pay homage or respect to a higher being without the discipline?
Minerva was tall, elegant and mysterious. Her long engaging neckline gave way to her perfectly curved body. Her waist-length hair was woven from the darkness of night and her almond-shaped eyes were of the deepest pools of purple with flecks of gold. She radiated energy, and her ability to influence others in her world was commanding. She was in essence an early draft of the very Eve who sits on that twisted, gnarled remnant stump, listening to this tale...
Minerva was tall, elegant and mysterious. Her long engaging neckline gave way to her perfectly curved body. Her waist-length hair was woven from the darkness of night and her almond-shaped eyes were of the deepest pools of purple with flecks of gold. She radiated energy, and her ability to influence others in her world was commanding. She was in essence an early draft of the very Eve who sits on that twisted, gnarled remnant stump, listening to this tale...
At this point in the fire's tale, Eve sat up straight, searching for meaning in the eyes of the Fallen, and Beelzebub's eyes flickered slightly with uneasiness. Lucifer thought to himself, 'Eve an early draft of Minerva? Is this why I am so drawn to her? The Creator is most cruel.' Becoming fully engaged in the flashback once more, they listened intently.
Minerva sung the songs of the angels and chanted lullabies that comforted every beast, including Lucifer. Lucifer was shy and timid around her, but observed her every move. He was fascinated with his creation. Yet he didn't know what he felt inside his soul. This feeling was new and unexpected. Days went on and on and life took its place amongst the Saturians. The people grew to love their planet. His perfection would establish a genetic trait in his race of people. They were advanced for a new civilization and adapted quickly to the planet provided. Recognizing the importance of nonviolence and wanting to establish order amongst them, a Queen was soon crowned and Minerva the obvious choice to rule over the many hundreds of Saturians.
A queen to be, yet beside her, no king? I made my presence known to her at the Arch of Hassan, a powerful yet secluded place near the Ridge of Sharrkan. These places may sound foreign to thee, but I knew them quite well. They were my idle resting places - where Minerva would go frequently to inquire about happenings in the universe. Her questions to me were ones on order and keeping the peace, which came natural to my Saturians. I felt that perhaps she was so inquisitive with me because she wanted my intellect and leadership experience, but I was wrong. She was deeper into me and I her. Our first encounter came unexpected, we were always discussing preservation of life and cultivations of the land, this time the long eyed stares seemed connected to some physical and mental chemistry. I myself was new to this experience, I have been raised in the art of creation and war if need be. These unfamiliar feelings were far from logic. Can a Guardian of the heavens feel this emotion? I constantly pondered the ways and hows of how to get back on track but to no avail.
I fell into Minerva like a stone to the bottom of the lake. Our love grew. Every day was a new encounter and adventure. We talked for hours and stared at each other for long periods of time. I felt that everything I had known prior than knowing of her was routine and mundane. I wanted her and only her. I could not drink my fill of her. I was happy, truly happy. All life was fulfilled for me, I wanted nothing more to do with creation and servitude. I wanted to fall asleep to her and wake to her stillness. I was missing, my mind, body and soul transformed. My annex of flight softened and my flesh tones exhumed warm colors. I was no longer hardened or orderly I let myself live for the moment until that moment was... was.
Lucifer paused and stared into the nothingness for a long moment, his facial features tensed and the whites of his eyes burned like fire until the tears welded up and broke like a dam collapsing because of too much pressure. The fury that resided in himself was to be of the unspeakable kind, an evil kind. He stood and without acknowledgment walked with purpose in his step, and in to the darkness he faded. Eve stood and began to follow but Bub grabbed her forearm and pleaded. "Eve, I wouldn't. Do not let him ingeminate bitter feelings from our past." She turned to look at Beelzebub, who was staring at her in an approachable stance. She spoke softly. "What is it that I must know?" "I am so confused with these re-enactments on a time before me." His callused hand fell upon her shoulder, warm and innocent. Beelzebub never knew the touch of a woman and being an angel he was ignorant to the ways of love-making, but he knew loss like no other. He spoke quietly to her in a deep rich-accent bass. "Eve, the past shapes us, defines us and puts the future into perspective. Sometimes life is a mixture of chaos and calm waters. Other times it's a mixture of loss and sorrow. For Lucifer sorrow was hell. It burns with in him. He could not save them, Eve. His strength was usurped in the creation and subsequent passion for Minerva."
Eve fell to the floor in anguish, and the puzzled, exhausted look on her face gave way to her looking up at Bub and asking, "What sorrow do you speak of? What happened to Minerva?" Beelzebub was unsure what to do. He knew it was not his place to speak of such troubles, especially to her. Although his allegiance was exclusive to Lucifer and the Brethren, the look on Eve's face softened the large warrior. Beelzebub chose to extinguish the fire with dirt. "I will continue with the tale to take the burden of pain away from my lord." Beelzebub sat and told the rest. Eve sat, mesmerized in anticipation of sorrow and loss, to words that held very foreign ideas to her. Lucifer just sat entranced in the dying embers of the fire.
"In a pleading moment, a stillness exhumed on the planet Saturn, the quietness was disconcerting and cold. Lucifer was awoken by the Archangel Michael. With his ever-present shield and sword, Michael led the massive armies of angels and had no capacity to speak ill-will or complementary about anyone. He was emotionless and lived to serve the master's bidding. He was twice the size of Lucifer, especially now with Lucifer new found love for life and not armour. Michael spoke cold and direct, his voice echoed in a low rumbled death-rattling tone. "Ee-ak- ume, Lu-csea-fur, Pas-cide com-Ee-ak-lade, El-sha-Dai, me-us, con-bek, Eek-mano." Lucifer was to his feet and bowed to Michael, and instantly suited up and made his flight to speak with the Creator.
When he arrived at the most high place the settings were familiar, yet the feelings were forlorn. He stood in the palace of solitude and watched below the creations that had enchanted the audiences that stood above the solar systems. He focused on his beloved, pondering what he would be doing right now if his presence weren't demanded here. The purplish-golden hued planet looked colossal and dominating from an aerial view. Michael's eyes were on Lucifer the entire time as they waited for the Creator to make its presence known. Lucifer would occasionally glance his way, but Michael did nothing. The winds changed direction and the Creator came to stand directly in front of them.
The Creator could take any likeness it wanted. A small angelic boy with curly blond hair, the greenest of eyes and a rich purple velvet robe with a hood that trailed behind him approached Lucifer, grabbed him by the hand and said, "Sez-Leh hom- Luce." (It means 'walk with me', Luce). The child led Lucifer into a clearing. The sky was a mixure of colors. The little one spoke in a soft voice. "I appear to you today as a Saturian child, a child who has been abandoned. Where has my love gone? Where has my pupil entertained his thoughts and focus these many days? The concept of time is one I do not care to understand, but 'time' and 'time spent' hold very different meanings." The Creator-child brought his hands together as if in reverence for a moment. Looking down, his fingers were clenched as he concentrated on them. Slowly parting them a miniature version of Saturn held fast, hovering and turning within his palms. Raising one eyebrow he looked up to Lucifer, who stood with silent apprehension. "Has your creation occupied you so much that you cannot indulge me any longer? Your servitude has fallen off; you are no longer hardened, your flesh is more reminiscent of your toys than the rest of us. Do you wish to leave? To become MORTAL?!" The sound of this last word erupted like massive thunderstorm over a calm lake . The winds quickly changed direction, bringing with it an intense rush of coldness over the clearing. Lucifer was caught off guard and was pushed to the limits of questioning. He knelt down on one foot, head bowed. With expected reverence he replied, "I wish to live the life I have created, my lord. I want to fall into Minerva and lead my people to great things and new achievements. All in your grace, my lord." The boy was silent, the eyes darkened to black, so black the pupils were not visible. It was contained rage, but this child's outward appearance did not match that of the fury behind his eyes.
The boy looked to Michael, and at once Michael was gone. The boy walked around the bowed Lucifer and as he cornered him, he transformed into a beast, one Lucifer was not familiar with. Now a blue-gray color, his eyes were of a wild cat, the muscle definition was refined and it's height now dwarfed that of Lucifer. Cat-like, evil and menacing he became. He began to shout with every fiber of this new body's being. "Lay with your creation? Live a life that YOU created, and not I!?! I who command the sun to bring forth nourishment and energy!?! I who tell the sun to change direction and the stars to remain FOREVER!?!" The Creator-creature crawled around a shaking Lucifer like an animal deciding what to do with its cornered prey.
"I who allow breath in your 'toys'!?! Who allow them to delight in the pleasures of living fruitfully!?! I who bring the moon about to dance with the tides of the mighty oceans!?! I who created you to SERVE ME, not HER and your PEOPLE!?!" At the angered words of the Creator, the clearing slowly became a scenic forest. Twisted trees and jagged rocks now loomed over them with fury and jealousy. The leaves bloomed then browned and fell, the earth graveled and cracked. It now became a wasteland. Lucifer stood, and in a sudden voice of assertion, demanded his freedom to rule his planet and to live and to remain there forever.
The fury could no longer be contained and the masses of us Guardians overheard the pains of jealously and judgment. The two were at once surrounded by all of us and the curious others piled on top of each other to see the enraged Creator's power to strike. Lucifer moved one foot towards the creature."I will not fight you, my lord. I yield to your grace. All I want is this love that I have for Minerva. Love that is apparent in you for me. I can no longer serve thee, I wish to remain with her. I have done thy bidding for eons my lord. I humbly ask that I be set free of these tidings and these times." The Creator looked stoic on his haunches but felt defeated within. His love, his creation, was talking of moving on without him. The memories and the lessons of yesteryear welded up inside him. He remembered Lucifer as his child and as the first Guardian. The walks and talks they would have. How Lucifer's inquisitive mindset and limitless questions for the Creator never ceased. For the first time in his existence, he questioned himself. His tone was quiet."What happened to my allegiance? Why does thee not want to serve me any more? I given you too much freedom. Too much choice. Have I not given you everything? How was it not enough? Why these people and not me? Why HER?" The Creator lifted his paw to the area behind a dead rose bush where Michael stood with Minerva.
Lucifer stood with a new defiance as the Creator walked to his beloved Minerva. "I cannot fathom life without your servitude Lucifer. You are mine; you belong to no one but me. No one. I can only offer you the peace of mind to rid you of this creation...this abomination...that has come between us. I have but one love and that is you. Therefore she" He paused, sizing her down like he has found better prey in a corner. "She can not be. No more." The creature howled at the moon, and Minerva sensed what was to happen to her. With one shimmering hand clutched to her heart and her purple hued eyes fixated on Lucifer. She wanted to say so much, and as her perfect lips parted to plead with this creature for retribution, the slowing graceful movement of life fell out of Minerva and she hit the cracked ground. Her body lay limp and her eyes that once held so much life glazed over into a coldness and she was gone. Lucifer ran to her side and shook her with every ounce of his abilities to awaken her. "Minerva!" He shouted loudly so the Guardians that surrounded him felt his anger. "Wake up, my love!". He lay there just holding her, wanting to see her eyes once more to feel her breath on his neck. He recalled the initial contact they had first made, contemplated why he left her. Damn it, why he didn't see this happening? There was movement in her body and Lucifer thought, for just a moment, that the Creator provided her acquittal from death. Instead, her perfect body returned to cosmic solarium and the shell that held her soul faded and blew into dust.
Lucifer sat in a kneeling position holding the soft blue cotton woven dress she wore. His heart iced over and his tears ran with blood. The Creator was again the Saturian child and stood and watched as his once-beloved was holding the remembrances of his love. Growing tired of this game, the child turned around and skipped away, now bouncing the miniature Saturn in silence into the distance. He knew it was the only thing he ever asked for, the only thing he had ever wanted. We could only look at the downfall of one of our own, and to the onlookers it was such a somber act to watch. Azriel and myself knelt next to him, not knowing how to begin to comfort our defeated friend. Some Guardians looked at Lucifer and felt his loss, where others didnt understand the relationship to a toy. As angels we are connected, Eve. Although some angels took flight back home and to their responsibilities, hundreds upon hundreds of angels surrounded Lucifer to mourn with him until a full third of Heaven stood around the remains of his beloved Minerva. Nestled back in his palace, the Creator looked down at this display of sorrow, and thought that the full circle of amassed white wings surrounding poor defeated Lucifer and a silly blue dress vaguely resembled an eyeball. He bounced his ball in quiet thought.
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